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100% Barstow Classic Brille GOGGLE BARSTOW OC

100% Barstow Classic Brille GOGGLE BARSTOW OC
100% Barstow Classic Brille GOGGLE BARSTOW OC
100% Barstow Classic Brille GOGGLE BARSTOW OC
100% Barstow Classic Brille GOGGLE BARSTOW OC
100% Barstow Classic Brille GOGGLE BARSTOW OC
*inkl. 19% VAT
  • Stock: Auf Lager
  • Model: 26012193
  • SKU: 26012193
  • MPN: 50002-184-02
  • Cobra's Speedster systems combine traditional styling and modern performance technology
  • These shotgun pipes also produce class-leading power gains
  • In part, the power gains come from the Cobra PowerPort, their proprietary crossover technology that helps to increase overall power from idle to redline
  • Delivers the kind of power increase you normally experience with a 2:1 system, while retaining the clean classic lines of a 2:2 pipe
  • Full-length, 222° heat shields

BrandModelYearSales nameCountry version
Harley DavidsonFLSTFI 1450 EFI2006Fat BoyALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTI 1450 EFI2006Heritage SoftailALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTN 14502006Softail DeluxeAMERICA
Harley DavidsonFLSTSC 14502006Softail Springer ClassicALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTD 14502006Softail DeuceAMERICA
Harley DavidsonFXST 14502006SoftailAMERICA
Harley DavidsonFXSTS 14502006Softail SpringerAMERICA
Harley DavidsonFLSTCI 1450 EFI2006Heritage Softail ClassicALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTF 14502006Fat BoyAMERICA
Harley DavidsonFLST 14502006Heritage SoftailAMERICA
Harley DavidsonFLSTNI 1450 EFI2006Softail DeluxeALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTC 14502006Heritage Softail ClassicAMERICA
Harley DavidsonFLSTSCI 1450 EFI2006Softail Springer ClassicALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTDI 1450 EFI2006Softail DeuceAMERICA
Harley DavidsonFXSTI 1450 EFI2006SoftailALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTB 14502006Softail Night TrainAMERICA
Harley DavidsonFXSTBI 1450 EFI2006Softail Night TrainALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTSI 1450 EFI2006Softail SpringerALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTCI 1450 EFI2005Heritage Softail ClassicALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTFI 1550 EFI2005Fat Boy 15th AnniversaryALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTB 14502005Softail Night TrainAMERICA
Harley DavidsonFXST 14502005SoftailAMERICA
Harley DavidsonFXSTI 1450 EFI2005SoftailALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTDI 1450 EFI2005Softail DeuceALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTSI 1450 EFI2005Softail SpringerALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTC 14502005Heritage Softail ClassicAMERICA
Harley DavidsonFLSTF 14502005Fat BoyAMERICA
Harley DavidsonFLSTNI 1450 EFI2005Softail DeluxeALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTSCI 1450 EFI2005Softail Springer ClassicALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTBI 1450 EFI2005Softail Night TrainALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTD 14502005Softail DeuceAMERICA
Harley DavidsonFXSTS 14502005Softail SpringerAMERICA
Harley DavidsonFLSTFI 1450 EFI2005Fat BoyALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTN 14502005Softail DeluxeAMERICA
Harley DavidsonFLSTSC 14502005Softail Springer ClassicAMERICA
Harley DavidsonFLSTFI 1450 EFI2004Fat BoyALL
Harley DavidsonFXST 14502004SoftailAMERICA
Harley DavidsonFXSTDI 1450 EFI2004Softail DeuceALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTS 14502004Softail SpringerAMERICA
Harley DavidsonFXSTSI 1450 EFI2004Softail SpringerALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTC 14502004Heritage Softail ClassicAMERICA
Harley DavidsonFLSTCI 1450 EFI2004Heritage Softail ClassicALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTF 14502004Fat BoyAMERICA
Harley DavidsonFXSTI 1450 EFI2004SoftailALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTB 14502004Softail Night TrainAMERICA
Harley DavidsonFXSTBI 1450 EFI2004Softail Night TrainALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTD 14502004Softail DeuceAMERICA
Harley DavidsonFLSTCI 1450 EFI2003Heritage Softail ClassicALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTFI 1450 EFI2003Fat BoyALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTSI 1450 EFI2003Heritage Softail SpringerAMERICA
Harley DavidsonFXSTD 14502003Softail DeuceALL
Harley DavidsonFXST 14502003SoftailALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTI 1450 EFI2003SoftailAMERICA
Harley DavidsonFXSTB 14502003Softail Night TrainALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTC 14502003Heritage Softail ClassicALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTF 14502003Fat BoyALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTS 14502003Heritage Softail SpringerALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTBI 1450 EFI2003Softail Night TrainAMERICA
Harley DavidsonFXSTDI 1450 EFI2003Softail DeuceALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTS 14502003Softail SpringerALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTSI 1450 EFI2003Softail SpringerAMERICA
Harley DavidsonFLSTF 14502002Fat BoyALL
Harley DavidsonFXST 14502002SoftailALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTC 14502002Heritage Softail ClassicALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTCI 1450 EFI2002Heritage Softail ClassicALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTS 14502002Heritage Softail SpringerALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTB 14502002Softail Night TrainALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTDI 1450 EFI2002Softail DeuceALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTS 14502002Softail SpringerALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTFI 1450 EFI2002Fat BoyALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTD 14502002Softail DeuceALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTCI 1450 EFI2001Heritage Softail ClassicALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTF 14502001Fat BoyALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTFI 1450 EFI2001Fat BoyALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTS 14502001Heritage Softail SpringerALL
Harley DavidsonFXST 14502001SoftailALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTB 14502001Softail Night TrainALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTD 14502001Softail DeuceALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTDI 1450 EFI2001Softail DeuceALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTC 14502001Heritage Softail ClassicALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTS 14502001Softail SpringerALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTF 14502000Fat BoyALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTC 14502000Heritage Softail ClassicALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTS 14502000Softail SpringerALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTS 14502000Heritage Softail SpringerALL
Harley DavidsonFXST 14502000SoftailALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTB 14502000Softail Night TrainALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTD 14502000Softail DeuceALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTS 13401999Heritage Softail SpringerALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTC 13401999Heritage Softail ClassicALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTF 13401999Fat BoyALL
Harley DavidsonFXST 13401999SoftailALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTS 13401999Softail SpringerALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTC 13401998Heritage Softail ClassicALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTS 13401998Heritage Softail SpringerALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTC 13401998Softail CustomALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTS 13401998Softail SpringerALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTF 13401998Fat BoyALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTS 13401997Softail SpringerALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTC 13401997Heritage Softail ClassicALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTC 13401997Softail CustomALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTF 13401997Fat BoyALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTS 13401997Heritage Softail SpringerALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTSB 13401997Bad BoyALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTC 13401996Heritage Softail ClassicALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTF 13401996Fat BoyALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTN 13401996Heritage Softail Special/NostalgiaALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTSB 13401996Bad BoyALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTC 13401996Softail CustomALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTS 13401996Softail SpringerALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTF 13401995Fat BoyALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTC 13401995Heritage Softail ClassicALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTN 13401995Heritage Softail Special/NostalgiaALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTC 13401995Softail CustomALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTS 13401995Softail SpringerALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTSB 13401995Bad BoyALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTC 13401994Heritage Softail ClassicALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTN 13401994Heritage Softail Special/NostalgiaALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTF 13401994Fat BoyALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTC 13401994Softail CustomALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTS 13401994Softail SpringerALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTC 13401993Softail CustomALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTC 13401993Heritage Softail ClassicALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTF 13401993Fat BoyALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTN 13401993Heritage Softail Special/NostalgiaALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTS 13401993Softail SpringerALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTF 13401992Fat BoyALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTC 13401992Softail CustomALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTC 13401992Heritage Softail ClassicALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTS 13401992Softail SpringerALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTC 13401991Heritage Softail ClassicALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTS 13401991Softail SpringerALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTC 13401991Softail CustomALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTF 13401991Fat BoyALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTC 13401990Heritage Softail ClassicALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTF 13401990Fat BoyALL
Harley DavidsonFLST 13401990Heritage SoftailALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTC 13401990Softail CustomALL
Harley DavidsonFXST 13401990SoftailALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTS 13401990Softail SpringerALL
Harley DavidsonFXST 13401989SoftailALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTC 13401989Softail CustomALL
Harley DavidsonFLST 13401989Heritage SoftailALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTC 13401989Heritage Softail ClassicALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTS 13401989Softail SpringerALL
Harley DavidsonFXST 13401988SoftailALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTS 13401988Softail SpringerALL
Harley DavidsonFLST 13401988Heritage SoftailALL
Harley DavidsonFLSTC 13401988Heritage Softail ClassicALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTC 13401988Softail CustomALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTC 13401987Softail CustomALL
Harley DavidsonFLST 13401987Heritage SoftailALL
Harley DavidsonFXST 13401987SoftailALL
Harley DavidsonFXST 13401986SoftailALL
Harley DavidsonFXSTC 13401986Softail CustomALL

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